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Accredited in 'A++' grade with a score of 3.52 on a four point scale by NAAC in Cycle 2

A Historical Perspective of the DU Photocopy Case

Prashant Reddy is an author of Create, Copy, Disrupt: India's Intellectual Property Dilemmas, and has done extensive work in IP law both as an academic and as a practitioner. He is currently a Research Fellow at the Singapore Management University's School of Law.

Prashant will be discussing the historical narrative behind India's copyright regime, specifically in the context of course packs and educational use exceptions - subjects of the recently concluded litigation between OUP, CUP, etc. and the University of Delhi. 

His talk will be loosely based on Chapter 5 of his book, and we will make copies of the chapter available at the talk. Please click here to RSVP on our Facebook event page so that we can accurately estimate the number of photocopies required. 

The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session, and refreshments will be provided.

Organizing Committee: 
TechLaw Forum
Faculty Coordinator: 
Mr.Sidharth Chouhan
Video Type: